  • 我的观影记录

 《Theater version of Super Time Fortress F: Void Singer》 introduce

At the end of September last year, when the final replay of 'Fortress F' came to an end, news of the production of the theatrical version was announced at the end of the TV anime, and the loyal masses were shocked and eagerly awaited. In the comprehensive magazine"Macross Ace" Vol.001, which released the Macross series in January 2009, some information about the theatrical version leaked out. Among them, during a special meeting between General Manager Masahiro Kawamori and Yoko Kanno, two industry insiders had a nearly 3-hour conversation about the theatrical version of"Transcontinental Fortress MF", which will be released in 2009. From this, we learned that the theatrical version will plan to develop Kuran into love and make up for the regrets in TV, Many of the suggestions that were not taken up in the TV series, such as those of the Goddess Hessen, will be presented in the theatrical version this time. However, there may be a review of the TV series in the drama, citing Hessen's statement in order to provide first-time MF enthusiasts with a general understanding of the work. Therefore, there will be some changes in the character's stance, and as for whether Kuran will replace the position of the double singer, Yoko Kanno will try if given the opportunity.During nearly half a year of busy production of the theatrical version,"Macro Ace" Vol.002, which was released in June, finally made its debut and brought two pieces of news about the theatrical version. One of them is the theatrical version of 'Fortress F', which will be officially released on November 21st and will be added to the winter theater screening schedule. The second is that the title of the theatrical version of"Super Time Fortress F" has been officially set as"Void Singing", while the magazine image shows the real two characters of Green Dam Mother Lan Hua Li, and the black bellied Snow Dew Queen only matches the"hiss" character. It is difficult to reveal that Green Dam Mother is the ultimate wing of Art in the theatrical version!? So what about the story of Kuran as the protagonist revealed in the previous"Macro Ace" Vol.001!? You must give us an explanation, Hesen Divine Stick! What are you unhappy about, Hesen? Speak up to make everyone happy, please don't want Black Snow Dew?

 《劇場版超時空要塞F:虛空歌姬》 繁體簡介

隨同去年9月底《超時空要塞F》最終回放送結束之際,TV動畫片尾便登布了劇場版製作的消息,廣大死忠為之虎軀一震,翹首以待。 在2009年1月發售的Macross系列作品的綜合雜誌《Macross Ace》Vol.001當中,些許劇場版情報流出,其中在河森正治總監督&菅野洋子特別會談中,兩位業內人士對將在2009年上映的《超時空要塞MF》劇場版進行了將近3小時的對話,從中我們得知了劇場版將計畫讓庫蘭往愛情方面發展,補足TV中的遺憾, 原本在TV中河森神棍的許多建議未被採納的建議今回將在劇場版中表現出來,而劇中也許會對TV系列進行回顧,引用河森的說法便是為了能讓初次接觸MF的人對該作有個大概的瞭解,所以在角色的立場上會有所變動,而至於庫蘭是否頂替雙歌姬的位置菅野洋子回答有機會的話會嘗試。在忙碌於劇場版製作將近半年的時間內,6月份發售的《Macross Ace》Vol.002終於閃亮登場,同時還帶來了兩則關於劇場版的消息。 其一為劇場版《超時空要塞F》將於11月21日正式上映,加入了冬季劇場放映檔期。 其二為劇場版《超時空要塞F》標題正式定為“虛空歌姫”,而雜誌圖中綠壩娘蘭華李驚現真實二字,腹黑狀態的雪露女王只搭配了噓字,難不成在劇場版中將要揭示綠壩娘才是阿爾特的最終翅膀麼!? 那麼之前《Macross Ace》Vol.001中透露的庫蘭為主角又是怎麼回事!? 河森神棍你必須給我們一個交代啊! 河森你有什麼不開心的事? 說出來讓大家開心一下,請不要黑雪露好嗎?


公元 2009年,由  吉野弘幸,河森正治 等老师负责剧本编写, 河森正治导演负责制作, 中村悠一,远藤绫,中岛爱,小西克幸,神谷浩史,福山润,丰口惠美,大川透,西村知道,小林沙苗,保志总一朗,杉田智和,三宅健太,桑岛法子,田中理惠,平野绫,福原香织,麻生智久,稻田彻,宫原永海,足立友,井上喜久子,坂本真绫 等明星实力参演的 动画片《剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬》, 此影片于2009-11-21上映, 更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮在线观看!网飞TV祝您观影愉快!

网飞TV影视于 2022-05-14 07:17:03整理收录此片,并在 2024-04-13 04:06:36再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬在线观看剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬免费观看剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬百度云剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬下载 等。



  • 1、请问电影《剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬》什么时候上映?

    网飞TV 影迷: 电影《剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬》于2009年在日本上映 ,具体的上映日期为2009-11-21。

  • 2、请问哪个网站可以免费在线观看《剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬》?

    奈飞中文 网友:您可以用手机打开百度APP在搜索框里输入:《剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬》免费在线观看,就可以找到免费播放资源了。手机免费看剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬免费网址:https://www.wangfei.live/voddetail/262502.html这个网站免费无广告。 这个网站资源相对比较多,如果观看不了或者更新不及时只需要【切换线路即可】

  • 3、请问《剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬》什么类型的电影?

    时代TV 网友:《剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬》是2009年日本制作的动画类电影。

  • 4、请问谁有《剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬》高清无删减版资源

    美团电影 网友:网飞TV提供《剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬》高清无删减版在线播放,这个网站高清无广告!截止到2024-04-13 04:06:36,网飞TV提供的《剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬》已经更新到 已完结 画质。

  • 5、电影《剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬》演员都有哪些?

    哈哈影视 网友:剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬有以下主演:中村悠一,远藤绫,中岛爱,小西克幸,神谷浩史,福山润,丰口惠美,大川透,西村知道,小林沙苗,保志总一朗,杉田智和,三宅健太,桑岛法子,田中理惠,平野绫,福原香织,麻生智久,稻田彻,宫原永海,足立友,井上喜久子,坂本真绫

  • 6、电影《剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬》评价怎么样?


  • 7、电影《剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬》Neflix影评

    Ne tflix电影最佳影评:我感觉《剧场版超时空要塞F:虚空歌姬》还不错的, 河森正治导演设计了很多镜头非常精彩,有我最喜欢的 中村悠一,远藤绫,中岛爱,小西克幸,神谷浩史,福山润,丰口惠美,大川透,西村知道,小林沙苗,保志总一朗,杉田智和,三宅健太,桑岛法子,田中理惠,平野绫,福原香织,麻生智久,稻田彻,宫原永海,足立友,井上喜久子,坂本真绫等老师参与演出,我是他们的粉丝。



